Influence of the position of the center of mass of a trailer category O1 on the stability of the road train


  • Volodymyr Sakhno National transport university, Kyiv
  • Victor Poljakov National Transport University, Kyiv
  • Svitlana Sharai National Transport University, Kyiv
  • Iruna Tchovcha National Transport University, Kyiv



road train, trailer, load, center of mass, critical speed


In a number of operational properties of motor vehicle (ATZ) at the tendency of increase of speeds of movement the most important indicators of the kept quality, in any modes, are stability and controllability. The choice of constructive parameters of ATZ providing these properties increases active safety of operation and reduces probability of road accidents during the execution of transport operations. From the point of view of practical purposes at operation of ATZ not only the reason of infringement of stability becomes important, and reaction of ATZ to it and control actions of the driver which are ambiguous and unstable. Therefore, it is assumed that the stability and controllability of the ATZ movement should be provided by the design parameters of the machine itself.
The result of the analysis of the course stability of the road train was the expression of the critical speed of rectilinear motion. According to the developed mathematical model, the critical velocity is determined. Calculations were made for a road train consisting of a VAZ-2107 car and the uniaxial trailer for different loads of the trailer and different location of its center of mass. According to the initial data inherent in the nominal load of the car and the maximum load of the trailer and the location of the center of mass of the trailer on the longitudinal axis and in the center of mass of the loading platform, the critical speed is about 36 m/s (129.6 km/h).
In transient modes of movement, such as "entering the circle and moving in a circle", "jerk of the steering wheel", "shift", "snake", displacement of the center of mass of the trailer in both the longitudinal and transverse planes, the critical speed decreases, and more significantly reduction occurs when the transverse displacement of the center of mass. Thus, if at the maximum displacement of the center of mass of the trailer on the x-axis (x = -0.75 m) the rate of oscillation instability decreases by 36.4% (Gn = 350 kg), 38.4% (Gn = 500 kg) and 44.3% (Gn = 750 kg) in comparison with this speed in the absence of displacement, then at the maximum displacement along the y -axis in the rate of oscillation instability decreases by 45.4%, 55.2% and 63.6%, respectively. In the case of such a trailer loading, the center of mass of the trailer shifts along both the x-axis and the y-axis, there is a further decrease in both the critical speed of the road train and the rate of oscillation instability. This must be taken into account when loading the trailer.

Author Biographies

Volodymyr Sakhno, National transport university, Kyiv

Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of the department of automobiles

Victor Poljakov, National Transport University, Kyiv

Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate professor, Professor of the department of automobiles

Svitlana Sharai, National Transport University, Kyiv

Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate professor, Professor of the department of international transport and customs control

Iruna Tchovcha, National Transport University, Kyiv

Post-graduate student of the department of automobiles


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Abstract views: 244



How to Cite

V. Sakhno, V. Poljakov, S. Sharai, and I. Tchovcha, “Influence of the position of the center of mass of a trailer category O1 on the stability of the road train”, ВМТ, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 111–120, Jan. 2022.






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