transport system, efficiency, reliability, factors, methodologyAbstract
At present, the main provisions of research methodologies and the solution of the problem of ensuring the reliability of transport systems that realize the totality of the research objectives of this problem have not been developed. At the same time, there is a need to build models of transport systems that reflect their basic properties. In this case, systems are viewed as complex, purposeful hierarchical systems that are developing. It is also necessary to take into account the subsystems and elements, the connections between them, their changes in time and space. A generalized scheme and model for the reliability of the functioning of transport systems are presented with the development of basic provisions aimed at investigating the problem.
The content and nature of operations research in transport systems is revealed, their three defining aspects are identified that give an answer to the question of how to act, what to act and what to influence to achieve the goal of operations and to ensure the necessary level of reliability of transport systems.
It is shown that the implementation of ways to ensure and improve the reliability and efficiency of transport systems depends on the level of awareness of changes in external and internal factors that characterize the conditions for conducting operations. The generalized classification is given, the scheme of orientation of properties of the system in the target space is developed and justified. Several levels of investigation of efficiency and reliability of transport systems are singled out, various forms of their structural stability are considered.
The complex approach to the analysis of the qualities of transport systems, such as stability (R-quality), controllability (C-quality), ability (A-yakness), self-organization (L-quality) is applied. The directions of their development and complication are schematically presented. The factors that determine the efficiency of transport systems are identified, the scheme of their interdependence is determined in determining the level of reliability and efficiency of functioning, as well as the structural scheme of the factors that characterize the properties of the systems.
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