Method consumption accounting of fuel consumption for ambulance cars
vehicle, efficiency, fuel consumption, rationing, operating conditions, vehicle speed, equipment, driving modes, legislation, ambulanceAbstract
Modern conditions require a careful attitude to the fuel and energy resources of the country. Road transport is the main consumer of gasoline and diesel fuel. In Ukraine, the control of fuel consumption for road vehicles is established at the legislative level. However, the current system of rationing of fuels and lubricants does not always take into account all operating conditions, especially for vehicles that are under departmental subordination. Ambulances, at the time of transportation and assistance to the patient, may move in violation of some points of the Rules of the Road. It swings the speed limit. The design feature of emergency vehicles is that they were usually created on the basis of a basic model with subsequent re-equipment of the body and the installation of special equipment. Medical equipment may require additional power from the motor to operate. These and other features should be taken into account when rationing fuel consumption. The article analyzes the experimental and mathematical methods for assessing the fuel efficiency of vehicles. A method for calculating the basic (basic) fuel consumption rate for vehicles with gasoline and diesel engines is proposed. On the example of an ambulance, based on a Volkswagen Caravelle, an algorithm for selecting initial data, a sequence for calculating the indicator using a mathematical model, and numerical values of the fuel consumption rate were obtained. Graphs are constructed and the influence of the speed of movement and the degree of loading of the car on the amount of travel fuel consumption in l/100 km is analyzed. For some brands of emergency vehicles that are currently entering service in Ukraine, fuel consumption rates have been calculated and summarized in a table. The calculation results were compared with the manufacturer's data. A mathematical model is presented for calculating the consumption of additional fuel in g/h, which is spent on driving consumers: power supply for special medical equipment, air conditioning and heating systems, light and sound alarms. In conclusion, conclusions are formulated and ways for further research are outlined.
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