Optimization of the transport network by the case of Cherkasy city
traffic flow intensity, mathematical model, municipal transport network, optimization, the degree of duplication of routesAbstract
The article explores the possibility of optimization of the public transport network by reducing the number of duplicate routes. In the course of the research the existing network of urban passenger transport of Cherkasy and the structure of the transport fleet of motor transport enterprises providing relevant services are analyzed. The length of the different routes of the network and the intensity of their movement are determined. It has been found that the density of the public passenger transport route network (8.1 km/km2) is much higher than the normative value. The indices of duplication of each bus and trolleybus route of the network with other routes are calculated. In order to study the demand for urban passenger transportation, a population survey was conducted. A mathematical model for optimizing the movement of trolleybuses and buses on duplicate routes is constructed. The model takes into account the degree of duplication of one route by another, the percentage distribution of passengers by type of transport and the limitation of vehicles by passenger capacity. The values of the model parameters, which determine the damage to the urban environment by one run, are calculated at the tariff rates for damage to the vehicle 1 km of the city road and the emission into the atmosphere of the exhaust gas (for buses). Optimization of the Cherkasy public transport network on routes with complete duplication (coincidence of route routes of two modes of transport is not less than 75%). According to the optimization results, a new itinerary network is proposed, which provides minimal duplication of routes, which in turn will lead to reduction of the accident rate, reduction of environmental pollution and increase of the efficiency of operation of the entire transport infrastructure of the city. The implementation of the results of this study will reduce the overall economic and environmental losses of passengers and transport, which will lead to a more efficient functioning of urban transport. The constructed model can be used to plan urban traffic on new routes, as well as to construct a dual task of calculating the cost of passenger hours, provided that passenger traffic is moving with optimum intensity.
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