To the choice of the truck-tractor type for heavy duty semi-trailer


  • Volodymyr Sakhno National Transport University
  • Viktor Polyakov National Transport University
  • Igor Murovanyi Lutsk National Technical University
  • Svitlana Sharai National Transport University



car-tractor, semi-trailer, auto-train, load-carrying capacity, engine, traction-speed properties, fuel efficiency, efficiency


Investigation of the influence of design parameters on traction-speed properties, productivity and efficiency of rolling stock is a prerequisite for the improvement of transport services. Correct, grounded by research and experience, combining the parameters of trucks, semi-trailers and trailers based on the tasks that the carrier faces, the conditions of rolling stock operation are powerful means to increase its productivity and efficiency. The choice of the truck-tractor and trailer for freight transportation should be made based on the safety of their constructions, as well as taking into account the performance characteristics, conditions under which the transportation is planned, goals set by the organizers of transportation matching. The basis of comparison of truck-tractors on the parameters of traction characteristics is the average speed on the road, since it determines the transport performance of the heavy-duty vehicle. Calculation of the traction characteristics of road trains is performed by solving the differential equation of motion. The total fuel consumption on the route is determined on the basis of a mathematical model of the engine, which allows setting the value of the hourly fuel consumption of the engine, depending on its mode of operation - according to the known frequency of rotation and torque on the engine shaft (or the coefficient of engine power utilization). This dependence can be constructed on the basis of the twelve known (reference) values of hourly fuel consumption of the engine measured at engine tests according to UN Regulation No. 49 under the conditions of the ESC test cycle. When determining the fuel consumption on the operating route, the idle mode is not used. 

It is established that according to the indicators of traction characteristics and fuel efficiency, vehicles consisting of semi-trailer with DAF, MAN, IVECO, SCANIA and Volvo truck-tractors are almost identical for the chosen engine power settings and transmission ratios. Improvement of traction characteristics and fuel efficiency should be done be optimizing the parameters of the "engine-transmission" system of tractors.

Author Biographies

Volodymyr Sakhno, National Transport University

Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Automobiles Department

Viktor Polyakov, National Transport University

Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate professor, Professor of «Automobiles»

Igor Murovanyi, Lutsk National Technical University

Ph. D. (Eng.), Assoc. Professor, Head of Motor Cars and Transport Technologies Department

Svitlana Sharai, National Transport University

Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Professor, Department of International Transport and Customs Control


[1] Heavy-duty Vehicle Emissions and Fuel Consumption Improvement Project. Northeast States Center for a Clean Air Future. 04-2006. [Online]. Available: Accessed on: Sep 19, 2019.
[2] В. П. Сахно, К. С. Жаров, «Продуктивність та економічність дво- та триланкових автопоїздів,; Автомобильный транспорт, № 29, с. 48–51. 2011.
[3] Правило ЕЭК ООН № 49 Единообразные предписания, касающиеся подлежащих принятию мер по ограничению выбросов загрязняющих газообразных веществ и твердых частиц из двигателей с воспламенением от сжатия и двигателей с принудительным зажиганием, предназначенных для использования на транспортных средствах. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: Дата обращения: Сен. 20, 2019.


Abstract views: 368



How to Cite

V. Sakhno, V. Polyakov, I. Murovanyi, and S. Sharai, “To the choice of the truck-tractor type for heavy duty semi-trailer”, ВМТ, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 120–125, Nov. 2019.






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