Analysis of existing methods and approaches to the search of damaged armored tank vehicles during technical intelligence in the modern armies of the world
unmanned aerial vehicle, technical intelligence, application analysis, unmanned aviation technologies, search, evacuation and repair of damaged armored vehicles.Abstract
The article proposes the definition of directions and opportunities for the use of technical means of information in the performance of the tasks of rear support of troops in armed conflicts that are taking place today.
Possible areas of application of unmanned aerial vehicles in the technical intelligence system of the National Guard of Ukraine and the Armed Forces of Ukraine are considered. The analysis of various types of unmanned aerial vehicles revealed the peculiarities of their use. The foreign experience of the use and development of unmanned technologies in the field of search and evacuation of damaged armored vehicles was analyzed. Conclusions were obtained regarding the combination of unmanned aerial vehicles with traditional means of technical intelligence, which showed their significant advantages. Prospective areas of application of aircraft in combination with technical intelligence systems of individual units of the National Guard of Ukraine and military units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine during operations and hostilities have been identified. The possibility of combining aviation technologies and means of technical intelligence in armed conflicts of modern armies of the world is also considered.
Technical intelligence was analyzed from the point of view of the type of intelligence by tasks, forces, means and methods; and also as an organization of intelligence activities based on the use of technical means. The dependence on the nature of signals detected by technical means is shown, one of the types of technical intelligence is photo and infrared intelligence based on the interception of light waves (species intelligence).
Species intelligence is considered as the collection of intelligence information based on the analysis of a large number of images obtained with the help of photographic, optical-electronic and radar equipment. According to its specificity, intelligence belongs to technical intelligence and includes air and space intelligence. Species reconnaissance uses photographic images taken in the visible range of the electromagnetic spectrum, infrared photography and multispectral photography. Radar images for species reconnaissance are created by equipment of various electromagnetic ranges synthesized in radar equipment. Spectral reconnaissance should be distinguished from electronic reconnaissance using optical-electronic or radar equipment that does not form an image.
Military experts of developed countries believe that in the modern combat environment, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for conducting reconnaissance as a means of technical intelligence can more effectively and quickly solve the tasks of technical intelligence. At the same time, the time required to deliver the received intelligence information to the relevant management bodies is reduced.
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