Development of fuel consumption standards for city buses and recommendations regarding the efficiency of their use
city bus, fuel consumption, mathematical model, average technical speedAbstract
The basis of economical consumption of fuel and energy resources is the availability of a regulatory framework, which objectively reflects the conditions of operation of rolling stock of vehicles. The current rules are usually set by the average performance of cars and do not take into account the specific features of rolling stock. The article deals with the issues of fuel economy of city buses, taking into account real conditions of operation.
The most fully studied issues of assessment of car qualities in established modes. However, the qualitative impact of factors for these modes on roads with a horizontal profile can vary significantly in real operating conditions. In this regard, the problem of studying the fuel economy of cars in unsuspecting and cyclic modes is relevant. The most difficult are cyclic modes of traffic with stops, which include almost all phases of traffic, which are found in operation of city buses, as well as all gearboxes used in this case.
In order to solve the issues of rational use of fuel in road transport, it is important to improve the methods of calculating the indicators of fuel economy of cars in order to fully and accurately take into account the peculiarities of the process of their movement in different conditions of operation. In the development of fuel consumption standards, an analytical method was used, which is based on a strict mathematical model of diesel fuel consumption. The technique is based on a single classification of operating conditions, in which road and transport conditions are quantitatively assessed by the average technical speed, and atmospheric-climatic-pressure and ambient temperature.
For the analysis, selection and justification of factors (parameters) for inclusion in the mathematical models of fuel consumption of buses, taking into account the conditions of operation, the equation of fuel consumption, proposed by prof.
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An important advantage of the developed methodology is the possibility of individual fuel consumption at road transport enterprises using simple computing equipment at the actual speeds of vehicles and daily air temperature.
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Про затвердження «Норм витрат палива і мастильних матеріалів на автомобільному транспорті». URL: (дата звернення: 11.03.2023).
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