Estimation of the power of mechanical losses in the engine, transmission and wheels of car on the stand with running drums
car, efficiency, energy, losses, diagnostic equipment, measurement, treadmill standAbstract
The efficiency of a car is considered through the amount of energy loss spent on transmission from the engine to the driving wheels of the car. Analytical and experimental methods for assessing mechanical losses are analyzed. The advantages and disadvantages of road and bench tests of a car in free run modes are indicated. A description of the diagnostic equipment - a stand with running drums, used to simulate the movement of a car in laboratory conditions is given. The components of the necessary measuring equipment for recording the speed and torque on the wheels of a car are considered. The list of primary measuring sensors and main transducers is indicated, which transmit information to the computer. The results of the car run-out on the stand are given: the change in the instantaneous speed from time to time. The primary assessment of the regression model is made and the values of the coefficients are obtained by the method of least squares of deviations of the vehicle speed. A mathematical model for the subsequent processing of experimental data has been developed. The purpose of mathematical modeling is to separate mechanical losses by power units separately for the engine, transmission and car wheels.
An assessment was made of the amount of energy losses in the stand itself with running drums. The characteristic of the stand has been obtained, which must be taken into account in the measurement procedure. The results of experimental studies for the GAZ-31029 car are presented. The results of the influence of the technical condition of transmission units and vehicle wheels on the value of the power of mechanical losses are presented. Car tire pressure studies have been conducted. The graphical dependences of the power of mechanical losses depending on the speed of the car are obtained. Recommendations have been developed for diagnosing the general condition of the vehicle by the amount of mechanical losses at the stand with running drums. The ways of further improvement of the method are given. The main conclusions based on the research results are formulated.
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