The essence of automobile diagnostics in the implementation of expert systems


  • Viacheslav Pavlenko Kharkiv National Automobile and Road University
  • Volodymyr Kuzhel Vinnitsa National Technical University
  • Maksym Khorin Kharkiv National Automobile and Road University



car, information, intelligent systems, expert system, diagnostics, technical condition


The article discusses the approach to the implementation and use of an expert system for servicing passenger cars using the example of Mercedes cars.

After analyzing the development of trends in artificial intelligence, we came to the conclusion that one of the main directions in this area is real-time expert systems. The direction of expert systems is the development of programs that, when solving difficult tasks for a human expert, obtain results that are not inferior in quality and efficiency of solutions obtained by an expert. This approach allows you to create almost any online diagnostic complexes faster than using traditional methods. An important direction in the automotive industry is an accurate and reliable forecast assessment of the main indicators of reliability and serviceability of the car as a whole. Technical diagnostics is an integral part of the technological processes of acceptance, maintenance and repair of vehicles at service stations and is a process of determining the technical condition of the object of diagnosis with a certain accuracy.

Purpose of the work: to reveal the essence of the expert approach at the present stage of development of diagnostic systems when servicing passenger cars.

The theme of the work is revealed by the example of a modern diagnostic complex with elements of an expert system for diagnosing Mercedes cars. In particular, the work of Star Diagnosis software, which ensures the success of car diagnostics, is considered. A complex, a service specialist, or an expert system has the ability to analyze the condition of the car, the severity of the malfunction, and select methods for repairing the car without having a car at the service station.

Ultimately, based on the development of electronic systems and the number of executing elements of various control units in the car, if possible, output a huge amount of information that we can use when servicing it, we can conclude that today the prospect of the development of expert methods and means of diagnosing cars using expert systems is very promising.

Author Biographies

Viacheslav Pavlenko, Kharkiv National Automobile and Road University

Ph. D. (Eng), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Technical operation and service of cars department

Volodymyr Kuzhel, Vinnitsa National Technical University

Ph. D. (Eng), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Automobiles and transport management department

Maksym Khorin, Kharkiv National Automobile and Road University

magistrant of Technical operation and service of cars department


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Abstract views: 415



How to Cite

V. Pavlenko, V. Kuzhel, and M. Khorin, “The essence of automobile diagnostics in the implementation of expert systems”, ВМТ, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 85–92, Feb. 2021.






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