
  • Andriy Kashkanov Vinnytsia National Technical University


system driver-car-road-environment, computer-aided technologies, minimization of vagueness, increase of efficiency, making decision, examination of traffic accident


The modern state and progress of motor-vehicle examination of traffic accident trends, lacks of existent methods of investigation of emergency situations and computer programs created on the base of them, is analysed, progress trends and state of introduction of computer-aided technologies are educed in practice of traffic accident research.

The purpose of work is forming of conceptual principles of efficiency increase of motor-vehicle examination of traffic accident on the basis of application of the newest computer-aided technologies on all stages of expert research.

In the article the ways of increase of efficiency of traffic accident examination are offered on the basis of making decision after conception of analysis of the systems and use of module technology of synthesis, which gives facilities for a component computer-aided of the integral system of motor-vehicle examination of traffic accident of any level of complication and quality design from the standard modules, provides high flexibility of the system at the change of her operating conditions.

Automation as process of transmission to the machines, including calculable, requires all functions of executable a man at application of her principles to any processes, including expert, developments maximum of clear pictures of mechanism of transformation of information at every step expert process executable a man. She allows to overcome those types of traffic accident, the analysis of which was carried out on the basis of intuition and experience of expert, id est to formalize difficult logical and calculable tasks, what not solvable "by" hand, to give large objectivity and clearness to research, to step back from stereotypes, peculiar to subjective experience of individual of expert.

Author Biography

Andriy Kashkanov, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor


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