Formation of indicators for assessing the efficiency of the transport process
automobile transport system, functioning, transport process, performance indicators, efficiency, reliability, quality of transportationAbstract
The analysis of problem of formation of indicators of efficiency of transport process of transportation is given. The methodological approach to the estimation of delivery efficiency in modern conditions of functioning of transport systems is offered. The structural diagram of efficiency of automobile transport system and its subsystems is presented. It is revealed that each of the subsystems of the transport system has its own goals, the most important of which is to ensure its own stability of functioning in a competitive environment, which leads to self-organization of the system, and therefore to its reliability and efficiency. The discrepancy of interests and criteria of estimation of efficiency of transport process in different directions of passenger and freight transportation is revealed.
The questions of the interrelation of categories of concepts of efficiency, quality and reliability of the transportation process of transportation, the principles of application of basic indicators of its performance estimation for the consumer and the carrier are formulated, and a structural diagram of the interrelation is given.
It is shown that several indicators of efficiency are usually used to more accurately assess the transportation process of transportation, combining, depending on the tasks, certain local or complex indicators, their classification and directions of application are considered. It is stated that the preferred variant may also be searched by sequential consideration of several criteria, or the selection may be by one criterion, while others may be limitations.
It is noted that an integral part of the system of evaluation of the efficiency of the transport process of transportation is not only determining the degree of its adaptability and cost-effectiveness, but also assessing the quality of transport service. The criteria for evaluating the efficiency of the transport service for the consumer and his contractor have been defined, and priority should be given to relative meters, which ensure comparability of the evaluation of the efficiency of transportation of different goods under different conditions. Comparative cost differentiation formulas describing efficiency and, accordingly, inefficiency of transport service are presented.
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