To analysis of constructions of wheel vehicles for urban passengers


  • Volodymyr Sakhno National Transport University
  • Viktor Bilichenko Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • Viktor Poliakov National Transport University
  • Volodymyr Bosenko National Transport University
  • Evgenie Misko National Transport University



metro, bus, trailer, semi-trailer, equation of motion, high-speed trains, maneuverability, overall lane, comparison


The article discusses the development of public transport as an important means of safe population mobility, especially in urban areas suffering from increasing traffic congestion. Bus or Transport Rapid Bus (BRT) or metrobus - this is the name of a sophisticated bus system. The BRT project envisages the movement of buses on dedicated and often fenced lanes. The main advantage of a metro is its complete isolation on the road from other modes of transport. Three-lane buses and trolleybuses can be used to increase passenger capacity in the BRT system.

Along with the undeniable advantages of three-section articulated buses and trolleybuses, they also have disadvantages - worse maneuverability and stability of movement compared to two-section ones. In addition, the efficiency of such machines is closely linked to the passenger traffic, which may vary several times during the day. Therefore, it may be promising for trains to be made up of two (or three) buses or trolleybuses, which operate in a hitch, whose passenger capacity is similar to articulated buses and trolleybuses. During the peak hours, a bus train operates, and in the inter-peak period - each bus separately (parking of one bus on a dedicated site is possible).

A comparison of these two bus trains - three-link articulated and three-link trailed according to maneuverability. The comparison is based on the differential equations of motion of these trains. The integration of motion equations is based on the original data. obtained both by the technical characteristics of the buses and by calculating the torque resistance, inertia, resistance coefficients, etc.

The original equation system was solved using Maple software. The coordinates of the center of mass of the bus, which determined the overall lane (GSR) of the bus, were obtained. The analysis of the obtained data showed that the three-link trailer trains with guided axles of trailers meet the requirements of normative documents on maneuverability. The GSR of such a high-speed train is 7,193 m. For a semi-trailer high-speed train, a high-speed train with two unmanaged trailer links of the GSR is 7.39 m, which is somewhat more permissible. In this case, both controlled and unmanaged high-speed trains have insufficient turn, which can serve as a guarantee of stability.

Author Biographies

Volodymyr Sakhno, National Transport University

Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of the Department “Automobile”

Viktor Bilichenko, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of the Department “Automobile and transport management”

Viktor Poliakov, National Transport University

Ph. D. (Eng), Assistant of proffesor, Proffesor of the Department “Automobile”

Volodymyr Bosenko, National Transport University

Assistant of the Department “Automobile”

Evgenie Misko, National Transport University

Post-Graduate of the Department “Automobile”


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How to Cite

V. Sakhno, V. Bilichenko, V. Poliakov, V. Bosenko, and E. Misko, “To analysis of constructions of wheel vehicles for urban passengers”, ВМТ, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 108–119, Nov. 2019.






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