Improvement of the method for determining the traction properties of the SKODA FABIA vehicle during bench diagnostics


  • Іhоr Мarmut Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University
  • Vitaliy Kashkanov Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • Volodymyr Zuiev Vyacheslav Chornovol Halych Vocational College



power unit, roller stand, traction force, loading mode, external speed characteristics of the engine.


As you know, the main output parameters characterizing the state of the power unit are the power and torque values. These parameters determine the dynamic qualities of the car, and can also affect fuel consumption and the level of harmful emissions.

The above parameters are checked using traction roller stands. Such stands allow you to reproduce real speed and load modes. Usually, the traction force on the drive wheels is measured on the stands. It is then easy to calculate the power at a given test speed. Traction force is determined, on the one hand, by the output torque of the engine, on the other hand, by mechanical losses in the transmission. In turn, the moment is determined by the perfection of the combustion process, the complete use of the energy of combustion products, and mechanical losses in the engine itself.

When there is no reliable, experimentally obtained external speed characteristic of an internal combustion engine, Leiderman's formula is usually used for its approximate construction.

This technique gives a satisfactory approximation of the dependence of power on revolutions. However, the moment curve is noticeably different from the experimental one. due to the fact that it uses only one experimental point - the maximum power and the corresponding revolutions. Therefore, a refined method of building the external speed characteristic using the example of the SKODA FABIA car is proposed using additional equations that specify the values of the empirical coefficients A, B, C.

On the basis of the refined external speed characteristics of the engine, the revolutions of the crankshaft are converted into speed, and a graph of the permissible traction force against the speed is drawn according to the derived formula. Standards for diagnostic parameters of the power unit in acceleration mode under partial load are also defined.

The proposed method of registering engine diagnostic parameters to determine their normative values provides an individual approach to diagnosing the technical condition of cars.

Author Biographies

Іhоr Мarmut , Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University

Ph. D. (Eng), Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Technical Operation and Service of Cars

Vitaliy Kashkanov , Vinnytsia National Technical University

Ph. D. (Eng), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Automobiles and Transport Management

Volodymyr Zuiev, Vyacheslav Chornovol Halych Vocational College

Chairman of the Cycle Committee, Teacher of Special Disciplines


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Abstract views: 137



How to Cite

Мarmut І., V. Kashkanov, and V. Zuiev, “Improvement of the method for determining the traction properties of the SKODA FABIA vehicle during bench diagnostics”, ВМТ, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 101–109, Feb. 2024.






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