Analysis of the options of using mobile diagnostic stations for the conduct of mandatory technical inspections of vehicles


  • Іhоr Мarmut Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University
  • Vitaliy Kashkanov Vinnytsia National Technical University



mandatory technical inspection, mobile diagnostic station, criteria for use


The article analyzes the criteria for using mobile diagnostic stations for mandatory technical inspections of cars. Mandatory technical inspection of passenger cars is available in all EU countries. In Ukraine, mandatory technical inspection for passenger cars was canceled in 2011. Currently, mandatory technical inspection is provided only for commercial vehicles: buses, trucks, licensed taxis.
Having signed the association agreement with the EU in 2014, Ukraine undertook to return the technical inspection for all car owners. This requirement is contained in the 40th and 45th EU directives. The state must implement this obligation no later than five years after the entry into force of the agreement in full (until September 2022). However, armed aggression against the state postponed the resolution of this issue, probably until the end of the war.
In total, there are more than 10 million cars in Ukraine. There are more than 800 technical control points in the registry that have the right to carry out technical inspections, which is clearly not enough. It can be assumed that when technical inspection is introduced, out of 10 million cars, half (5 million cars) need to be inspected immediately. At each point, at the rate of 5 million cars per year, there are about 6.25 thousand vehicles (520 per month, or 23-24 per day. This is quite a heavy load. In addition, as a result of hostilities, the number of points is even smaller. Good mobile diagnostic stations (МDS) are an alternative to stationary stations.
The advantages of МDS are as follows: the operation of the station does not require a production room; the cost of the PDS is much lower than a stationary control point; availability of serial samples of mobile stations (for example, MANA); the possibility of carrying out checks at the locations of cars. In order to determine the expediency of using МDS of different designs during technical inspections of cars, they were compared according to economic criteria. These criteria take into account the peculiarities of using the МDS to check the cars of organizations and cars belonging to individual owners in different conditions (city or countryside).

Author Biographies

Іhоr Мarmut, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University

Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Technical Operation and Service of Cars

Vitaliy Kashkanov, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Automobiles and Transport Management


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Abstract views: 134



How to Cite

Мarmut І. and V. Kashkanov, “Analysis of the options of using mobile diagnostic stations for the conduct of mandatory technical inspections of vehicles”, ВМТ, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 64–71, Jan. 2023.






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