Design design of technical systems


  • Roman Zinko Lviv Polytechnic National University
  • Yurij Cherevko National Academy of Land Forces
  • Andriy Polyakov Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • Oleg Bojko National Academy of Land Forces



psychology of thinking, design of technical systems, technical contradictions, information deficit


The psychology of designer thinking affects the design and construction of technical systems. Her knowledge and ability to take into account when creating new technical systems and facilities will improve the quality of the design of the final product.
When creating a new product, the designer must come as close as possible to the ideal product model. At the same time, technical contradictions often arise. The elimination of technical inconsistencies is some intersection of many characteristics that are imposed according to the requirements of the product. In fact, it is a search for the optimum in the multidimensional space of characteristics.
The starting point for design activities is the social order - the need to create certain objects, caused either by "gaps" in the practice of their manufacture, or competition, or the needs of social practice. The product of design activities, in contrast to design, is expressed in a special symbolic form - in the form of texts, drawings, graphs, calculations, models in computer memory, etc. The result of design activities must be materialized in the form of a prototype, which specifies the calculations, design and technical characteristics of the designed technical system, given in the project.
The design process is conducted in conditions of information deficit (uncertainty). The work describes the information deficit as metameric situations (division of the situation into similar or almost identical events or perceptions).
Uncertainty in the design process is eliminated through creative activities to perform iterative procedures. The number of cycles of iterative procedures depends on the degree of uncertainty of the initial statement of the problem, its complexity, experience and qualifications of the designer, the required accuracy of the solution.
Psychological factors of creative activity affect the design process and must be taken into account. Creative abilities are influenced by heredity, the natural and social environment, scientific and technical training, the degree of development of imagination, the ability to think figuratively and other factors.
Ineffective strategies and syndromes (barriers) also impose limitations on the creative thinking of the designer

Author Biographies

Roman Zinko, Lviv Polytechnic National University

Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Automotive Engineering

Yurij Cherevko, National Academy of Land Forces

Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of department of Automobile

Andriy Polyakov, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Professor of the Department of Automobiles and Transport Management

Oleg Bojko, National Academy of Land Forces

master, employee of research department


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Abstract views: 156



How to Cite

R. Zinko, Y. Cherevko, A. Polyakov, and O. Bojko, “Design design of technical systems”, ВМТ, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 80–87, Jul. 2022.






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