Assessment of durability of metal structures of motor vehicles
reliability, durability, cargo trailers, algorithm of preliminary estimation of loading, wheeled vehiclesAbstract
The article deals with the development of algorithms preliminary assessment of the main operational properties wheeled vehicles - safety bearing the example of trailers at the design stage to improve the level of This work involves analytical studies of the performance of vehicles in order to increase their reliability and durability. The reliability of wheeled vehicles directly depends on the reliability of their individual components. The reliability of one of its main components of the supporting frame plays an important role in the reliability of trailer vehicles. Usually the least reliable elements of the frame of the supporting frame are welded joints. During operation, the load-bearing system of the trailer perceives the spatial load acting on it during operation, and their direction and magnitude of effort are random. Existing load-bearing frame theories describe load systems for frame metal structures with symmetrical and inclined, vertical and horizontal forces that occur when moving at speeds close to the maximum. In analytical calculation, the issue of accuracy and correctness of the calculation of the metal structure of the load-bearing frame is relevant in terms of ensuring the maximum reliability and quantitative assessment of the total stress. Solving this problem at the stage of design development and design has a positive effect on the accuracy of calculations, which in turn leads to a significant increase in strength and projected service life of the structure. In order to reduce the time spent on calculations and experimental evaluation, reference books are used, which contain the calculated strength indicators of structural and technological variants of nodes, which have more rational indicators compared to the basic variants. The algorithm of preliminary estimation of the basic operational characteristics of wheeled vehicles, increase of their productivity and reliability at the design stage is offered in the work. An example of the application of this algorithm to lifting trailers is the load analysis system on the frame of the universal trailer "Kröger GmbH THL 20".
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