Аlgorithmization of the knowledge base in service of passenger cars
car, algorithm, agent, service, information, knowledge base, diagnosingAbstract
The article considers the architecture of conceptual modeling of the knowledge base, which creates a model of the subject area in the form of many concepts and relationships between them. This approach is based on the concept of a mobile software agent, which is implemented and functions as an independent specialized computer program or an element of artificial intelligence.
Ensuring the use of subject area knowledge has become one of the driving forces of the recent surge in the study of artificial intelligence. For example, for models of many different subject areas it is necessary to formulate the concept of time. This representation includes the concepts of time intervals, time points, relative measures of time, etc. If one group of scientists develops a detailed knowledge base, others can simply reuse it in their subject areas using their own database. Creating explicit assumptions in the subject area, which underlie the implementation, makes it easy to change the assumptions when changing our knowledge of the subject area.
The process of conceptualization of TO and P, first of all, involves the development of databases in research areas for the formalization and systematization of knowledge about the characteristics of this area of entities and phenomena. That is, the use of concepts in the field of maintenance in a consistent manner in relation to theories of knowledge.
Ultimately, the paper updated mathematical modeling, algorithmization and implementation of intelligent systems in the field of maintenance, which will help automate the process of diagnosis and inspection of all car systems, facilitate fault prevention and improve the maintenance process and modernize the maintenance system itself. The approach of algorithmization of the base of knowledge of a condition of the car in each moment of time considered in work gives the chance to reduce time of stay of the car in the service center and to reduce considerably expenses for passing of MOT at service of cars.
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