Substantiation of the influence of changes in the coefficient of axle distribution of braking force on the handling of a passenger car
passenger car, operation, braking properties, wear of brake mechanisms, design coefficient of brakes, actual coefficient of distribution of braking forces between axles, electronic system for tracking the braking processAbstract
The article considers the change of the radius of the instantaneous center of rotation of a car moving along a curved trajectory during braking, taking into account the lateral input of the wheels of both axles of cars, both equipped with electronic tracking systems and not equipped with such.
A criterion for assessing the controllability of cars moving on a curved trajectory in a braked state, by comparing the ratio of the current speed of the car to the longitudinal base with the ratio of the coefficients of lateral tire input to the product of the longitudinal base of the car, mass and cosines.
It is established that the radius of instantaneous rotation of the longitudinal axis of the car moving along a curved trajectory during braking depends on the speed of the center of mass of the car, the coefficient of axle distribution of braking force, physical characteristics of applied tires, steering wheel angle and design and weight parameters. As a result, it allows you to set controllability.
The authors obtained dependences that will create new algorithms for the operation of modern electronic control systems for stabilizing the longitudinal axis of a braked car, taking into account the speed of the car, its design and weight characteristics, the main characteristics of its braking system (coefficient of axle braking force distribution), physical characteristics used tires on wheels and connect them to the angles of the steered wheels, controlling the deviation of the longitudinal axis, which allows the driver to maintain the possibility of quite sharp maneuvers directly in the braking process, moving along a curved trajectory.
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