Methodology for choosing a propulsion device for special-purpose vehicles
passability, wheel, caterpillar, criteria of efficiency of mover, methodology of choice of moverAbstract
The ability to move on different types of soils is one of the main indicators of the efficiency of mobile vehicles in off-road conditions. The movement of such special mobile machines is carried out due to the interaction of the propulsion with the support surface. Therefore, significant reserves to increase productivity and reduce the cost of technological and transport works are laid in reducing energy consumption when the engine interacts with the surface.
On the process of interaction of the wheel drive with the deformable support surface it is established that the parameters of this interaction depend on a number of factors: normal load, angular velocity and torque. In the General case, the parameters of interaction of each engine change when changing the mode of movement of the wheeled vehicle, and the ability to change the air pressure in the tires when driving on different support surfaces allows to increase the performance of the wheeled vehicle
In the study of the caterpillar, it was found that the pitch of the caterpillar, the stiffness of the caterpillar, the angular stiffness of two adjacent tracks, reducing the pitch of the caterpillar chain, reducing the stiffness of the caterpillar, increasing the angular stiffness of two adjacent tracks, affect the efficiency of the machine.
The scientific novelty of the study is to develop a method of choosing the engine of a special mobile machine that works off-road, in the process of its design.
Wheel or crawler solutions will mainly determine the performance and efficiency of special purpose vehicles. The choice of engine for special mobile machines is based on a set of criteria. The criteria determine the importance of the implementation of the tasks in relation to the efficiency of functioning. Knowing the sowing capacity of the soil, and taking into account the possibility of movement of a particular special mobile machine depending on the type of soil, you can choose one or another type of engine.
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