Іnteroperability information-analytical system traffic safety assurance


  • Oleksii Stepanov Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University
  • Albina Venger Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University
  • Volodymyr Kuzhel Vinnytsia National Technical University




road safety, information-analytical system, interoperability, information, management, motor transport, intelligent transport system


The article was further developed by a topical issue, namely road safety. The concept of information and analytical system of road safety is developed. It is argued that information technology can reduce the distance between government and society through the principle of "feedback" and affect road safety.

The paper proves that: first, the information-analytical system of road safety is designed to carry out information-analytical activities in order to obtain the information necessary to ensure the road safety. In particular, the inclusion of information and communication technologies with the potential to implement the principle of "feedback" is mandatory; secondly, the information and analytical system of road safety is planned to perform the following tasks: monitoring of road safety in the transport process, formation and optimization of a safe route network in the transport process, implementation of traffic control in the transport process, analyze data from road safety, acceptance of administrative decisions concerning traffic safety, etc. As a result - through the joint use of the collected information to increase the effectiveness of interagency cooperation on road safety in the transport process; thirdly, in order to perform the planned tasks of the information-analytical system, the road safety system must have the ability to interact and function with other systems without any restrictions, ie to have the property of interoperability.

That is why the information and analytical system of road safety should include not only information and analytical units of all branches of government involved in the implementation of the concept of road safety, but also research organizations that analyze road safety. The interaction between them should be carried out by forming a single database of road safety. This will provide comprehensive support to public authorities in developing and adopting effective decisions governing road safety.

Author Biographies

Oleksii Stepanov, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University

Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor of organization and road safety Department

Albina Venger, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University

postgraduate of organization and road safety Department

Volodymyr Kuzhel, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Ph. D. (Eng), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Automobiles and transport management department


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Abstract views: 226



How to Cite

O. Stepanov, A. Venger, and V. Kuzhel, “Іnteroperability information-analytical system traffic safety assurance”, ВМТ, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 149–154, Jul. 2021.






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