Features of research of efficiency of transport systems at the stages of the life cycle
transport system, subsystem, life cycle, operation, efficiency, external design, internal designAbstract
The analysis of features of research of efficiency of transport systems at stages of their life cycle is resulted. It is found that the life cycle of the system is reflected in the gradual development of the generalized operation as a process of gradual accumulation of information about the properties of the created transport system, environmental conditions and ways to use it as an active tool in the operation.
A formalized scientific approach to assessing the current and future efficiency of transport systems, based on aggregation indicators to assess the effectiveness of facilities in subsystems at different stages of the life cycle, allowing decision-making to see trends in internal development of a complex system as a whole, and integrate knowledge groups of experts in the formation of artificial reference limits of efficiency.
It is revealed that in process of accumulation of the information on transport system the estimation of efficiency of operation is specified that leads to fuller substantiation of the accepted decisions, at each stage of a life cycle of system.
It is noted that at the stage of external design the choice of rational requirements for the system is based on fairly general efficiency criteria that do not lead to too strong a narrowing of the set of acceptable strategies. Thus, the use of a "strong" principle of optimization and a small number of optimal strategies that lead to the choice is not always justified because in the early stages of the life cycle it is impossible to trace the progress of the operation in all its details. It is suggested that at the stages of external and internal design of the transport system it is advisable to organize a consistent exchange of information between the representatives of these stages of design, which can occur according to a certain scheme.
It was found that objects that are on the verge of efficiency are most effective only in a specific group of objects. As it is not possible to set theoretical reference limits of efficiency without the involvement of experts, therefore efforts should be directed to increase the degree of validity and reliability of expert assessments, as a result of which artificial reference limits of efficiency are formed.
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