Method of diagnosing a car by fuel consumption
car, fuel consumption, car efficiency, car speedAbstract
Fuel consumption is a complex indicator that characterizes the efficiency of the vehicle, energy perfection of the car, the level of technical condition of the car, a variety of operating conditions.
Changing the technical condition of components and systems of the car leads to increased energy losses, which ultimately increases fuel consumption and reduces the power of the car. If to carry out control of energy losses in each unit of the car on fuel consumption it is possible to diagnose not only the general condition of the car, but also to localize malfunction on units. The general assessment of the technical condition of the car can be performed on the basis of experimental and calculated fuel consumption data. Individual assessment of the technical condition of the units can also be assessed by private efficiency and indicator fuel consumption.
The purpose of the work is to further improve the methodology and develop an algorithm for diagnosing the technical condition of the car to change the indicator fuel consumption of the car.
To solve this goal, mathematical dependences and an algorithm for calculating fuel consumption and efficiency of the car on the units (indicator and mechanical engine, transmission and suspension of the car) were proposed. Also, after performing mathematical modeling of fuel consumption through efficiency, experimental studies of fuel consumption of the car VAZ-21101 were conducted. After conducting the experiment and obtaining the results, comparisons were made of the values of fuel consumption calculated by the formula M.Ya. Govorushchenko, due to the overall efficiency of the car, and the data obtained experimentally showed that the method really works and the error is about 5%. This allows us to conclude that the overall assessment of the technical condition of the car can be performed on the basis of experimental and calculated data on fuel consumption. Individual assessment of the technical condition of units can also be assessed by private efficiency and indicator fuel consumption.
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Характеристики ВАЗ 21101 [Електронний ресурс]. Режим доступу:
Руководство по эксплуатации USB Autoscope III [Електронний ресурс]. Режим доступу: https://gelion.
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