Analysis of methods for determining the quantity and passenger capacity of rolling stock on urban routes of passenger transportation


  • Viktor Bilichenko Vinnitsa National Technical University
  • Serhii Tsymbal Vinnitsa National Technical University
  • Olga Tsymbal Vinnitsa National Technical University



efficiency, city network, passenger capacity, number of vehicles, urban passenger transport


An analysis of methods for determining the number and passenger capacity of rolling stock on urban routes of passenger traffic. Coordinated growth of efficiency and quality of urban passenger transport allows to increase the level of satisfaction of passenger transportation needs, reduce transport stress on the urban passenger transport system, improve the environmental situation, reduce road accidents and the number of road accidents, ensure unprofitable work of carriers.

Improving the functioning of the production system of urban passenger transport should ensure a minimum travel time of passengers, regular movement of vehicles along the route, rational use of rolling stock and quality passenger service at minimal cost.

Managing the number and passenger capacity of rolling stock on the route is an important task that affects both the quality of passenger transport services and the economic efficiency of carriers. These factors are opposite, ie, by improving the quality of passenger transport services, the carrier is usually forced to reduce the efficiency of vehicles. The tasks of local authorities are to ensure the number and passenger capacity of vehicles on the route and the quality of passenger transport services that would ensure maximum efficiency of the urban passenger transport system, taking into account the interests of all parties, ie carriers, passengers and the community.

Despite the presence of a significant amount of research, the task of choosing the number and passenger capacity of buses on regular routes in city traffic, which would ensure an improvement in the quality of services, remains urgent.

Author Biographies

Viktor Bilichenko, Vinnitsa National Technical University

Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of the Department of Automobiles and Transport Management

Serhii Tsymbal, Vinnitsa National Technical University

Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Automobiles and Transport Management

Olga Tsymbal, Vinnitsa National Technical University

graduate student of the Department of Automobiles and Transport Management


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How to Cite

V. Bilichenko, S. Tsymbal, and O. Tsymbal, “Analysis of methods for determining the quantity and passenger capacity of rolling stock on urban routes of passenger transportation”, ВМТ, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 11–18, Feb. 2021.






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