Assessment of vehicle brake control functional stability
vehicle, stability, braking control, braking properties, braking mechanism, coefficient of friction, distribution of braking forcesAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of the influence of the brake control elements of passenger vehicles on the stability of their braking properties. The analysis of the influence of uneven braking forces on the wheels of one axle of vehicles on the deviation of the distribution of braking forces between the axles from its calculated value is carried out. When assessing the error in regulating the distribution of braking forces between the axles of vehicles, three components were taken into account: the theoretical error due to the imperfection of the selected control method (the difference between the actual calculated control characteristic from the ideal), the error created due to the instability of the ratio of the braking forces on the front and rear wheels, an additional error caused by the unevenness of the braking forces on the wheels of individual axles, since the fulfillment of the most stringent requirements of international and national standards for the efficiency of braking of vehicles and is inextricably linked with the need to increase the energy consumption of brake mechanisms. The energy consumption of braking mechanisms is understood as the ability of the latter to dissipate the greatest amount of energy of the braking machine without reducing the braking efficiency indicators to the minimum permissible level. Excessive heating of the braking mechanisms leads to a decrease in the friction coefficient μ of the friction surfaces and increased wear of the friction linings, and the brakes are the most unstable element of the braking control, which ensures the absorption and dissipation of the vehicle's energy during braking.
The instability of the braking torques on the front and rear wheels, caused by a change in the coefficients of friction of friction pairs, leads not only to a change in the distribution of braking forces between the axles and individual wheels, but also to a decrease in the braking efficiency of vehicles under operating conditions.
A method is proposed that makes it possible to assess the quality of regulation of the distribution of braking forces between the axles of a car, taking into account the instability of the braking forces on the wheels.
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