Stamping sheet blanks and creating a safe structures
technological heredity, strain energy, safe structures, material memory”, full-scale researchAbstract
The article discusses a method of stamping sheet blanks, providing variable stiffness of the structural material of the blank. A predetermined stiffness allows to improving the passive safety parameters of structural elements of a vehicle. It is proposed to obtain a controlled technological legacy of the blank by means of electrohydropulse stamping of structural elements of a vehicle. To assess the ductility of a pre-deformed metal, the methodology was used based on the tensor description of damage accumulation under conditions of cold plastic deformation. To assess plasticity of a pre-deformed metal, a methodology was used based on the tensor description of damage accumulation under conditions of cold plastic deformation. The methodology allows for known mechanical characteristics, as well as with known plasticity diagrams, evaluate plasticity of pre-deformed blanks for any type of stress state.
The technology, allowing you to create safe designs, providing as a result of road traffic accidents maximum protection for the driver and passengers. This is achieved by creating structures whose strength and stiffness are controllable and predictable. Such controllability of strength and stiffness is ensured by the technological parameters of stamping. Technology parameters create a “material memory” that provides the necessary strength and stiffness.
The creation of safe structures is based on a fundamentally new model for research processes collision vehicles, namely: each specific road traffic accident is considered as a unique experimental material that is used to conduct research into the process of collision vehicles.
With this approach, any road traffic accident can be considered as a comprehensive test of a vehicle for the implementation of shock loading in real conditions of a specific collision, i.e. under the conditions of his field test. Then, to determine the values of the speeds of vehicles in their collision, you can use the research model, i.e. full-scale or field test.
The article proposes to use the experimental-calculation method for research the mechanical properties of sheet materials, from which the structural elements of the vehicle are made. This method makes it possible to determine the strain energy that was absorbed by the structural elements of a vehicle during a road traffic accident, by the change in the hardness of these elements after a collision.
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