energy evaluation criteria, traction dynamics of the car, coupling coefficient, kinetic energy of the translational motion of the car, linear acceleration of the carAbstract
The paper substantiates the energy approach to assessing the technical condition and functional stability of cars. The indicators and criteria for the energy assessment of the technical condition of cars have been selected and substantiated. The coefficient of the connection between the engine's power consumption for overcoming the forces of external resistance to motion and the kinetic energy of translational motion, which allows us to determine the rational speed of the car, is proposed. The maximum value of a certain coupling factor can be normalized when the vehicle is diagnosed by energy indicators.
The object of the study is indicators and criteria for the energy assessment of the technical condition of cars.
The aim of the work is to develop a coupling coefficient between the engine's power consumption to overcome the forces of external resistance to motion and the kinetic energy of translational motion.
The result of this work is the determination of the coupling factor, which can be normalized when the vehicle is diagnosed by energy performance.
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