Analysis of the influence of construction factors on the passability of armored tank vehicles and the method of its increase at the account of automatic regulation of air pressure in wheel tires
armored vehicles, cross-country ability, reference cross-country parameters, theoretical study, tire pressure control systemAbstract
The purpose of the study is to analyze and determine the influence of various factors on the patency of armored vehicles (AMT) operated by the National Guard of Ukraine. Determination of the change in patency during the movement of AMT in different road and climatic conditions. Analysis of static and dynamic loads, which are characteristic of AMT movement over rough terrain, and their impact on the efficiency of the vehicle. The theoretical component of the study was carried out using mathematical modeling of the work process of regulating the air pressure in tires of AMT wheels, using the example of changes in the characteristics of adhesion coefficients with the supporting surface and rolling resistance depending on the change in pressure and load on the tires of the wheels when the AMT is moving off-road. As a result of mathematical modeling, the dependences of air pressure in tires of AMT wheels were obtained, depending on the coefficient of rolling resistance and the load on each of the wheels. Which, in turn, makes it possible to move to a sufficiently complete mathematical modeling of the movement of AMT on off-road, taking into account the reference cross-country ability.
In the process of theoretical research, the structural parameters of the impact on the patency of AMT were analyzed quite completely, and a generalized comparative indicator of the patency parameters of vehicles was proposed. When analyzing it, it was found that the AMT tire and, specifically, the change in air pressure in it, have a significant impact on the bearing capacity.
The authors propose to use the following evaluation criteria as criteria for assessing the efficiency of the passability when driving on deformable surfaces: a generalized comparative indicator of the parameters of the passability of vehicles. As a result of consideration of which, a significant influence on the patency parameters of the tires and directly the air pressure in them was established. Regulation and change of the air pressure in the tires of the wheels depending on the change in the coefficient of rolling resistance as well as the change in the load on each wheel, which are the ratio of the work that is spent on the traction force when overcoming different degrees of heaviness of the resistance of the supporting surfaces with the effect of deformation. And the load that falls on each of the AMT wheels allowed us to draw conclusions about the improvement of the regular tire pressure regulation system (RPRS) of the wheels.
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