Design design of technical systems


  • Roman Zinko Lviv Polytechnic National University
  • Yury Cherevko National Academy of Ground Forces named after Hetman Petro Sagaidachnyy
  • Andrii Beshley Lviv Automobile and Road College of the Lviv Polytechnic National University
  • Andriy Polyakov Vinnytsia National Technical University



dynamic loads, cargo, cargo fluctuations, vehicle movement, cargo damage


The improvement of the methods of reducing dynamic loads in the elements of self-propelled transport machines and transported goods is based on the results of the analysis of dynamic phenomena that occur during their operation, which is due to the growth of load, increase of working speeds, combination of loading and unloading operations with other technological operations, increase in productivity.

To prevent damage and ensure traffic safety, packaging and artificial cargoes are secured in car bodies, train carriages and ship holds with wire ties, thrust and spacer bars, tying and other methods.

But during transportation, as a result of stretching and breaking of stretch marks and pulling out of nails, goods are damaged, moving in a body, wagon or hold. Therefore, it is very important at the design stage of the fastening structure to establish the possible movement of the load, as well as to ensure it within the given limits in order to prevent damage to the load.

The authors proposed a method of calculating load fluctuations in the body of a truck using the example of two loads of different weights. A kinematic diagram of a self-propelled transport machine with sequential elastic coupling of transported loads was built and a study of nonlinear horizontal oscillations of a loosely secured load during the movement of the vehicle was carried out.

According to the results of the research, graphs of the dependences of the dimensionless amplitude of the weight of the load relative to other loads depending on the gap between the fasteners were constructed. Maps of regions of stable movements are constructed and the region of unstable movements of loads is shown. It is noted that although such an area of unstable movements is quite small, but under certain conditions of movement of the vehicle and weakly secured cargo, phenomena can occur that can cause a traffic accident.

Author Biographies

Roman Zinko, Lviv Polytechnic National University

Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department of Machine Design and Automotive Engineering

Yury Cherevko, National Academy of Ground Forces named after Hetman Petro Sagaidachnyy

 Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor of the automobile department

Andrii Beshley, Lviv Automobile and Road College of the Lviv Polytechnic National University


Andriy Polyakov, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Professor of the Department of Automobile and Transport Management


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Abstract views: 61



How to Cite

R. Zinko, Y. Cherevko, A. Beshley, and A. Polyakov, “Design design of technical systems”, ВМТ, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 49–55, Sep. 2023.






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