Improvement of the method for determining the fuel consumption of a vehicle operating on alternative fuel
vehicle, alternative fuel, fuel consumption, emissions of harmful substances, thermal preparation, monitoring of technical condition, thermal parameters of the engine, operating conditionsAbstract
The purpose of the conducted research is to improve the method of calculation and determination of both fuel consumption and emissions of harmful substances from the engines of vehicles converted to run on alternative fuel. The article examines the peculiarities of determining fuel consumption and emissions of harmful substances from the engines of vehicles converted to run on alternative fuel. The method of calculating fuel consumption and environmental indicators of vehicles running on alternative fuel has been developed, which is based on a systematic combination of methods and means of obtaining information about the processes and operating conditions of vehicles, which are obtained as a result of remote monitoring of parameters of the technical condition of vehicles. The peculiarity of the method is that it involves the joint use of both existing methods and means of obtaining information on vehicle operation processes, engine thermal parameters, fuel consumption and emissions of harmful substances. This method of calculating both fuel consumption and emissions of harmful substances in the exhaust gases of a vehicle with engines converted to run on gas fuel allows to evaluate the efficiency of the operation of the vehicle engine thanks to the analysis of current and total values of indicators of fuel consumption and emissions of harmful substances in processes pre-launch and post-launch thermal preparation and during its movement in the driving cycle and during movement on the route.
In the work, the authors proposed to use the fuel consumption coefficients for both liquid and gaseous fuels to determine the fuel consumption in operating conditions, which make it possible to abstract from the dimensions. For the vehicle engine cooling system, it is proposed to measure fuel efficiency and other environmental indicators according to existing methods in several modes of heating the coolant up to a temperature of 50°C.
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