Analysis of methods of creating new technical systems
technical systems, processes of human thinking, methods of design (invention), the process of creating new technical systemsAbstract
The creation of new technical systems takes place on the basis of design methods that take into account the psychological processes of human thinking (the main actions of division, union, comparison and permutation can be considered among them. Other actions are their derivatives), as well as the laws of the development of technical systems. The definition of these processes is given. The proposed classification of design (invention) methods, which may change depending on the selected criterion. According to the sign of generality, methods of invention can be divided into general, general and partial methods of invention. Universal methods of invention relate to the widest possible range of issues and are included among the strategic means of solving inventive tasks. General methods of invention are used to solve a wide range of inventive tasks in various fields of technology. Such methods include the methods of heuristic analogy, heuristic combination, heuristic inversion, etc. Partial methods of invention include methods designed to solve special inventive tasks or tasks in a defined, as a rule, narrow field of technology. They include, for example, the method of converting reciprocating motion into rotary motion, the remote hybridization method, the compounding method, etc. The process of creating new technical systems is generally divided into three phases (stages), which are called differently: 1) divergence, analysis, collection, accumulation of knowledge; 2) transformation, synthesis, maturation, incubation - ends with enlightenment; 3) convergence, assessment, control, verification. The stages of design are described from the point of view of the formation of the necessary direction of improvement of technical systems and the further formation of a rational structure using the mechanism of joint disjunction.
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