Operative ensuring information system of the standardization of vehicle operation indicators


  • Igor Gritsuk Kherson State Maritime Academy, Odesa
  • Volodymyr Volkov Kharkiv National Automobile and Road University
  • Eugene Ukrainskyi SHEI “Azov State Technical University”
  • Nikita Volodarets SHEI “Azov State Technical University”
  • Volodymyr Kuzhel Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • Tetiana Volkova Kharkiv National Automobile and Road University
  • Victoria Ryzhova International Technological University «Nikolaev Polytechnic»




vehicle, information systems, rationing, indicator, fuel, economy, operating conditions


The formation of the method of ensuring the rationing of indicators and management of fuel economy of the vehicle in variable operating conditions by means of operational control on the basis of intelligent transport systems is shown. A systematic approach was used as the methodological basis of the research to solve the tasks set in the work. The general technique of carrying out of scientific research of rationing and fuel economy of the freight vehicle of category N3 in variable conditions of operation by means of operative control on the basis of intelligent transport systems is developed. The target function of the study is a combination of objective and subjective factors of vehicle operation, which ensure minimal fuel consumption. At the same time the minimum task is solved, namely: rationing of operational indicators, fuel economy of the vehicle in the conditions of operation tends to reach the maximum, despite the fact that fuel consumption tends to reach the minimum values. The general approach to the formation of the method of ensuring the fuel economy of the vehicle in variable operating conditions by means of operational control based on intelligent transport systems is formulated. The processes of solving the tasks are based on the implementation of systemic interaction of three interrelated components: process, information and analytical. It is shown that the peculiarity of the method is that it involves the joint use of all available methods and means of obtaining information about the processes of operation of the vehicle, fuel consumption, parameters of technical condition and speed, and so on. Thus, the process of forming a method to ensure the rationing of performance and fuel economy of the vehicle in variable operating conditions by means of operational control on the basis of intelligent transport systems involves clarifying information on fuel consumption, actual technical condition, methods and means of implementation. The article shows that this task on the basis of information about fuel consumption parameters and technical condition can be expressed as a complex function in the implementation of relevant tasks. In the work, a method of determining and calculating the fuel consumption of vehicles in operating conditions was developed specifically for the purpose of researching and justifying the regulation and parameters of fuel economy, the peculiarity of the method is that it involves the joint use of all available methods and means of obtaining information about operational processes vehicles, namely fuel consumption, parameters of the technical condition and speed of the vehicle.

Author Biographies

Igor Gritsuk, Kherson State Maritime Academy, Odesa

Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Professor of the Department of Operation of Ship Energy Systems

Volodymyr Volkov, Kharkiv National Automobile and Road University

Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of the Department of Technical Operation and Service of Automobiles

Eugene Ukrainskyi, SHEI “Azov State Technical University”

Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Department of Road Transport

Nikita Volodarets, SHEI “Azov State Technical University”

Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Department of Road Transport

Volodymyr Kuzhel, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Automobiles and Transport Management

Tetiana Volkova, Kharkiv National Automobile and Road University

Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Transport Technologies

Victoria Ryzhova, International Technological University «Nikolaev Polytechnic»

Lecturer of the Department “Cars and Automotive Industry”


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How to Cite

I. Gritsuk, “Operative ensuring information system of the standardization of vehicle operation indicators”, ВМТ, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 16–22, Jan. 2023.






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