Building a model of a problem situation in transport systems


  • Viktor Aulin Central Ukrainian National Technical University
  • Dmitrо Golub Central Ukrainian National Technical University
  • Viktor Bilichenko Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • Artem Zamurenko Central Ukrainian National Technical University



transport system, model, problem situation, strategy, operation, element, efficiency


The approach to construction of model of a problem situation in transport system is resulted, the block diagram of its algorithm is developed. It is revealed that the transition stage from the problem to the formulation of formal tasks is a problem situation, and the tasks can be solved in different ways, forming a set of strategies.
It is noted that in the general case the result of operations is uncertain, which is caused by the uncertainty of the conditions of the operation and the action of factors of different nature. It is revealed that the acquisition of values of indicators that characterize one or another result of the operation is associated with the solution of the problem of modeling operations.
The stages of the problem of studying the efficiency of the operation in the transport system are given. A number of assumptions are made about the process of obtaining results, which is associated with the formation of the operation model and obtaining efficiency estimates based on modeling results, as well as the process of analyzing the results, which involves solving the selection problem based on the established efficiency criterion or system of such criteria.
It is found that the model of the problem situation in transport systems reflects the relationship of the main elements of the decision-making process and the sequence of formation of partial tasks and is built to cover the problem of decision-making as a whole, to present its main elements to be finalized. about the strategy of the operation.
It is shown that the presence of a certain component as an independent element in the model of the problem situation assumes that the set of values of uncertain factors in the development of solutions will be either set externally, or finding these values will be an independent task.
A list of actions for solving partial problems based on this model is presented. It is shown that in many practical cases it is observed that the a priori task of one of the main criteria of efficiency leads to the selection of some set of alternatives. Therefore, the choice of the best alternative requires the formation of a compound criterion, which includes both formal and informal prescriptions for making a judgment on the basis of which the selection or return and correction of elements of the model of the problem situation.

Author Biographies

Viktor Aulin, Central Ukrainian National Technical University

Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department of Operation and Repair of Machines

Dmitrо Golub, Central Ukrainian National Technical University

Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Operation and Repair of Machines

Viktor Bilichenko, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Rector

Artem Zamurenko, Central Ukrainian National Technical University

Postgraduate student of the Department of Operation and Repair of Machines


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How to Cite

V. Aulin, D. Golub, V. Bilichenko, and A. Zamurenko, “Building a model of a problem situation in transport systems”, ВМТ, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 4–9, Jan. 2022.






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