Improvement of efficiency of emergency brakes of passenger cars equipped with a combined brake tracking system
automobile, combined brake drive, distribution of braking forces between the sides, electronic system for tracking the braking processAbstract
The article proposes measures to improve the braking properties of cars equipped with combined systems for monitoring the braking process by installing drive pressure regulators with electromagnetic (radio) control in the front and rear brake circuits that can track the dynamic change of normal loads on wheels of different sides of the car. The aim of the work is to increase the braking efficiency and reduce the braking distance of a car with ABS equipped with a combined tracking system for the braking process. In the braking phase of a car with non-lockable wheels, using a device that responds to changes in their normal reactions, it is possible to realize a greater braking torque on the wheels of the rear axle than in the braking phase with locked wheels, the angular speed of which is monitored by the electronic system. Thus, to improve the braking properties of passenger cars in operating conditions, it is necessary to introduce a device into the design of their brake drives that would be able not only to monitor the phases of the braking process (periods of wheel lock and unlock), but also to change the normal loads on the wheels of the front and / or rear axles. Such a device should track the on-board non-uniformity of normal reactions that occurs under various operating conditions, requires a combined or on-board (part of the combined) circuit for connecting the brake drive circuits. In the braking systems of modern cars, the axial, diagonal and combined separation circuits of the brake drive circuits are structurally used. However, only a combined circuit for activating the brake drive circuits is capable of fully realizing the change of the double-sided load of the car, since it essentially provides braking of the car when using circuits that include two front and one of the rear brake mechanisms. To improve the braking properties of passenger cars with ABS, it is proposed to use a combined brake drive, the contours of which are connected to the on-board circuit for connecting the circuits together with two dynamic brake force regulators having electromagnetic (radio) communication with the front suspension elements and an electronic control unit.
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