Feature of the use of logistic aspects and mathematical support for management of efficiency of motor vehicles


  • Tamara Makarova Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • Volodimir Makarov Vinnytsia National Technical University




motor vehicle, working capacity, management, logistic aspect, mathematical support


The study of conditions for the rational management of the health of rolling stock of road transport, which is involved in the functioning of the logistics supply chain, is presented.

Determined that the management of the working condition of the car is a complex and very costly component of the technical operation of vehicles. In the market conditions for the formation of the country's economy, it is necessary to find the means and mechanism to maintain the chosen level of efficiency. The scheme of a basic health management system focused on the profit from transport activities in close connection with logistics is considered.

It is shown that the functional component of the supply chain, which is road transport, works not only to improve its quantitative and qualitative parameters, as a separate independent unit, but also to the main overall result of the logistic flow.

It was emphasized that only efficient cars are able to ensure the efficient operation of the supply chain as a whole, as well as their individual links. The efficient rolling stock connects functionally various links in the supply chain, as well as processes in links of uniform function, into an effective supply mechanism. Performance indicators that certain groups of vehicles of different parts of the supply chain should be guided by can vary radically in the number and brand of vehicles required. However, the level of performance for all cars must always be given, which ensures the rational operation of all vehicles in general. Otherwise, the material and related information flows will be chaotic according to the dynamics of movement or stop. Thus, the supply chain as a whole will be inoperable. The economic efficiency of the functioning of the laws of logistics leads to a synergistic effect in the supply chain, including the creation of means to restore the performance of motor vehicles.

It has been revealed that it is necessary to establish rational numbers and brands of efficient cars for a certain period of time in the supply chain life cycle. The calculated level of performance must be maintained for all individual sets of vehicles, as well as for all rolling stock used in the supply chain. It is advisable that the definition of health indicators have little mathematical support. However, the value of the indicator can only be the one that is able to provide the technical service of ATP or service station.

It is proposed to improve the functioning of the supply chain with the help of mathematical support by assessing the quality of diagnosing vehicles. To accomplish this task, a model of a certain random system, constructed of elements reflecting the technical condition of the cars, is made: inoperable or efficient. The process of diagnosing, that is, the evaluation of the performance of vehicles is also involved.

Author Biographies

Tamara Makarova, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Ph.D. (Economy), Associate Professor, Department of Automobile and Transport Management

Volodimir Makarov, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Automobile and Transport Management


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Abstract views: 425



How to Cite

T. Makarova and V. Makarov, “Feature of the use of logistic aspects and mathematical support for management of efficiency of motor vehicles”, ВМТ, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 77–81, Jun. 2019.






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