
  • Vladimir Sakhno National Transport University
  • Viktor Bilichenko Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • Viktor Polyakov National Transport University
  • Oleg Omel`nyckiy National Transport University


system of Bus of rapid transit, metrobus, bus, trailer, corner of drafting, displacement, trajectory, overall bar of motion, kinematics, turn


Advantages and lacks of the system of BRT (Bus of rapid transit), which is certain as a method of organization of bus (or trolleybus) connection which differs higher operating descriptions in comparing to the ordinary bus routes, are analysed (speed, reliability, transport ability). After some parameters (in particular, after speed) of the system of speed bus transportation comparing to the systems of claotype transport (speed a streetcar). It is rotined that during realization of the system of BRT there is a row of difficulties, CPLD, foremost, with the gasket of route, namely with determination of its width both on the rectilineal areas of road and at round, that from determination of trajectory of every link of two - and three-unit metrobuses.
The trajectory of every link of metrobus is determined the trajectory of it main point, that at consideration of questions of kinematics of turn of three-unit metrobus he can be erected to the biaxial bus and two monaxonic trailers.
It is rotined that at one-sided curvilinear motion a lorry convoy passes a few stages, namely the stage of initial rectilineal motion, stage of included in a turn, stage of circular turn, stage of exit from a turn and output of bus, is on a rectilineal trajectory.
For each of the stages of turn drafting corners are certain for two- and three-unit metrobuses. After the certain corners of drafting displacement of trajectory of the towed lanocs and overall bars of motion of two- and three-unit metrobuses is got, which made 8,9 m for two-unit metrobus, and for three-unit 9,9 m which considerably exceed possible after DIRECTIVE of 2002/7/EC. Decreasing GSR of metrobuses is possible due to the guided wheels (axes) of trailer.

Author Biographies

Vladimir Sakhno, National Transport University

doctor of technical sciences, professor, manager of department, «Cars»

Viktor Bilichenko, Vinnytsia National Technical University

doctor of technical sciences, professor, manager of department of cars and transport management

Viktor Polyakov, National Transport University

candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, professor of department «Cars»

Oleg Omel`nyckiy, National Transport University

graduate student of department «Cars»


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How to Cite

V. Sakhno, V. Bilichenko, V. Polyakov, and O. Omel`nyckiy, “MANOEUVRABILITY OF METROBUSES”, ВМТ, no. 2, Dec. 2018.






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