Methodological approach to solving the problem of functional reliability of automobile transport systems
road transport system, vehicles, transportation, assessment, reliability, failure, factors, subsystem, element.Abstract
An analysis of methods and techniques for solving the problem of increasing and ensuring the appropriate level of reliability of technical systems was carried out, which made it possible, based on the use of analogies, to find out the directions for ensuring the reliability of automobile transport systems.
The essence of the concept of the reliability of the functioning of automobile transport systems for the transportation of goods and passengers from a methodological point of view is clarified. The insufficiency of regulatory and legal documentation for the development of methods and techniques for assessing the reliability of transport systems is substantiated. The synthesis of the concepts of "management" and "reliability" of the functioning of transport systems in comparison with similar concepts of technical systems is considered.
The expert method and methodology of expert assessment of the reasons for failures of the production subsystem of the motor vehicle enterprise and its services are considered. It was found that factor analysis in combination with expert assessment makes it possible to assess the significance of the reasons for failure of transport systems and their frequency. In accordance with the classification of failures of technical systems, an analysis of their belonging to automobile transport systems was carried out.
The classification of failures of technical systems according to different sets of features is analyzed. It was established that the classification of failures of automobile transport systems is based on the use of analogy with the classification of failures of technical systems, as well as on the results of the analysis of the factors of the causes of failures that occur in the production system of the carrier's enterprise. It was revealed that the selection of significant factors affecting the failure of automobile transport systems is based on the method of expert evaluations, their ranking by importance was carried out, and their relative frequencies were calculated. The results of the factor analysis of the reasons for the failure of the production subsystem of the motor vehicle enterprise are given.
It is assumed that by analogy with technical automobile transport systems, they are also subject to decomposition by stages of the life cycle. Therefore, a sudden failure of automobile transport systems is characterized by a sudden change in the values of one or more initial parameters agreed with the customer, and a gradual one occurs as a result of a slow, gradual deterioration of the functioning characteristics of the subsystem or the system as a whole or a participant in the transportation of goods and passengers.
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