Application of the CAD/CAE system Solidworks in the tasks of analysis of strength of parts of the clamping fixtures
computer program, CAD/CAE system, strength analysis, machine toolingAbstract
The strength of parts is a critically important characteristic of the design of Clamping Fixtures. Calculating the strength of parts of Clamping Fixtures is necessary both when designing new structures and when checking existing ones. Traditional calculation methods, such as nominal stress calculation, although easy to use, have low accuracy. This creates a need for more accurate and efficient strength analysis methods. Modern CAD/CAE systems, in particular SolidWorks with the Simulation application, provide powerful tools for engineering calculations and finite element modeling.
The algorithm of static calculation presented in the article on the example of the "Grip" part demonstrates the sequence of actions during strength analysis in the SolidWorks environment. This algorithm includes creation of a 3D model, generation of a finite-element mesh, material selection, determination of anchoring and loading conditions, calculation and analysis of results. An important stage of the analysis is the choice of the material of the part. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the databases of foreign CAD/CAE systems may not contain some domestic materials, which requires the selection of analogues with similar characteristics. The system allows you to visualize the results of calculations in the form of colored diagrams of stress and strain distribution. This greatly facilitates the analysis and interpretation of the results, allowing the critical areas of the structure to be quickly identified. The use of CAD/CAE systems for strength analysis of machine tool parts has a number of advantages compared to traditional methods. It increases the accuracy of calculations, reduces the time for their implementation, allows you to easily make changes to the design and instantly assess their impact on the strength of the part. The proposed method allows you to carry out both design and verification calculations of details of Clamping Fixtures. This makes it a versatile tool for structural engineers. The implementation of such strength analysis methods is particularly relevant both for the educational process and for real production. In terms of training, it allows students to gain practical skills in working with modern engineering systems. In production, it helps to improve the quality of design, reduce the number of errors and optimize structures.
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