The newest technologies in environmentally safe polymeric coatings: research, technologies, prospects


  • Viacheslav Pavlenko Kharkiv National Automobileand Highway University
  • Volodymyr Kuzhel Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • Serhii Semenchenko National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine
  • Oleksandr Korniev National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine
  • Pavlo Chernenko National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine



automobile, research, corrosion, paintwork, environmental safety, anti-corrosion coatings, paint


The scientific work is aimed at the study of environmentally friendly polymer coatings in the automotive industry, which constantly attracts the attention of scientists and practitioners. The article analyzes the current state of technology in this area, reviews the latest research and technological developments, and discusses their prospects for implementation in production. Starting with a review of the latest research on paints and coatings, the paper goes on to discuss self-healing materials and microcapsules that have the potential to create resistant and durable coatings.
The paper also discusses anti-corrosion coatings, which are an important part of protecting automotive structures from the effects of negative environmental factors. Particular attention is paid to the development of environmentally friendly polymer coatings that meet the requirements of sustainable development and reduce the environmental impact of the industry on the environment.
In addition, the latest trends in the industry are analyzed, which allows us to predict further directions of technology development and implementation of innovative solutions. The work has important practical application in the automotive industry, contributing to improving the quality of automotive coatings protection against corrosion and extending their service life in various operating conditions. The work is aimed at highlighting relevant aspects of research in the field of environmentally friendly polymer coatings and provides a valuable contribution to the development of this important industry. The results will improve the quality and duration of corrosion protection of paintwork, metal structures and other products.
The use of the latest materials and technologies in the manufacture of coatings is driven by the need for their environmental friendliness, efficiency and durability. However, the introduction of some new technologies faces limitations, in particular, related to their economic feasibility and scalability. In this regard, further research is needed to optimize technologies and materials to achieve greater efficiency in road transport.

Author Biographies

Viacheslav Pavlenko, Kharkiv National Automobileand Highway University

Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Technical operation and service of cars department

Volodymyr Kuzhel, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Automobiles and transport management department

Serhii Semenchenko, National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine

Lieutenant-colonel, Senior Lecturer of the Department of armored vehicles

Oleksandr Korniev, National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine

Lecturer, Department of armored vehicles

Pavlo Chernenko, National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine

Senior Lecturer, Department of armored vehicles


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Abstract views: 43



How to Cite

V. Pavlenko, V. Kuzhel, S. Semenchenko, O. Korniev, and P. Chernenko, “The newest technologies in environmentally safe polymeric coatings: research, technologies, prospects”, ВМТ, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 85–94, Jul. 2024.






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