Improving the methods of organizing transportation on technological routes of the transportation and production system of waste recycling


  • Borys Sereda Dniprovsky State Technical University
  • Serhiy Turpak National University "Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic"
  • Svitlana Romanyuk Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • Daryna Mukovska PJSC “Zaporizhstal”



metallurgical slag, quarry dump trucks, dumps, cargo operations, rolling stock, technological routes, idle time, carrying capacity, number of trips, speed of movement, traffic schedule


In this article, the method of selecting the number and carrying capacity of rolling stock on the technological routes of the transport and production system of recycling technological waste of a metallurgical enterprise has been improved. The main features of the organization of the transportation of metallurgical slag at domestic enterprises are given, among which it is advisable to highlight the following: a limited number of types of rolling stock on the routes, a short distance of cargo transportation (compared to the transportation of other types of cargo), continuous technological processes, which lead to a 24-hour working mode with minimal interruptions for lunch and staff changes, fairly stable daily volume of transportation, etc. The selection of the number and carrying capacity of rolling stock as one of the main means of managing transport and production systems is substantiated. It is proposed to choose as a criterion for the effectiveness of the system's functioning - the minimum time for the transport to be idle while waiting for the performance of cargo operations. For this, the traditional formulas for calculating the required number of rolling stock on the transport route were transformed. Taking into account the above-mentioned features of the functioning of the transport and production system, the expressions for determining the necessary number of rolling stock were obtained, taking into account the criterion - the minimum time for the transport to be idle while waiting for the performance of cargo operations. This made it possible to carry out calculations with the simultaneous use of vehicles of different load capacities. The results of the calculations made it possible to determine the most rational option for using rolling stock of a certain carrying capacity. In order to assess the possible impact of unevenness, traffic schedules of vehicles on the transportation route were constructed. A statistical analysis of the duration of the load was carried out, which made it possible to determine that a decrease in the duration of idle time is observed in 40% of vehicle turnovers, of which only 3% of cases can lead to violations of the rhythmicity of the schedule. Thus, establishing a rational length of downtime of dump trucks while waiting for unloading is an important element of the organization of the transportation process.

Author Biographies

Borys Sereda, Dniprovsky State Technical University

Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Department of Automobiles and the automotive industry

Serhiy Turpak, National University "Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic"

Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of the Department of Transport Technologies

Svitlana Romanyuk, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department "Automobiles and Transport Management"


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How to Cite

B. Sereda, S. Turpak, S. Romanyuk, and D. Mukovska, “Improving the methods of organizing transportation on technological routes of the transportation and production system of waste recycling”, ВМТ, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 147–152, Sep. 2023.






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