The influence of the environment on the road transportation market of Ukraine
market situation, road transport, road transport market situation, micro and macro factors, transport servicesAbstract
One of the most promising markets, which is protected from cyclical changes that occur in the economy and shows growth in the conditions of military operations, is the market of road transport, which is developing rapidly, which includes the goods of basic necessity. Maintaining competitiveness and strengthening the advantages of motor transport enterprises of this industry is largely determined by the ability to optimize all processes of value creation that continuously circulate in their supply chains - from the supply of raw materials to the service of the end user. The success of these tasks largely depends on the correct configuration of the logistics system of the enterprise itself, as well as on the synchronization of its work with other, no less important areas - the study of the market conditions of road transportation, customer and producer service. This largely explains the relevance of the study of the road transport market situation, the use of the network logistics system in the road transport market, as one of the progressive scientific and applied directions of flow process management. The road transport market of Ukraine is increasingly becoming the subject of research and development as a form of optimization, automation, integration and management of material and information flows circulating within business units. The paper proposes a methodology for determining the state of the road transport market of Ukraine and the efficiency of delivery in the modern conditions of the functioning of transport systems. The methodology of the influence of micro and macro factors of the market environment is given. This made it possible to determine the main factors of permanent and indirect effect on the situation of the road transportation market of Ukraine.
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