Models of work of different technical systems on the basis of the similarity of graphs of their constructions
mathematical models, structural synthesis of mechanisms, graphs of the structure of constructive schemes, graphs of the structure of connections of generalized coordinates, articulated disjunctionAbstract
For the analysis of designs of cars of various designs the idea of application of graphs of such designs is offered. Using structural notation of structural schemes of machines will organize and formalize the widest range of machines, apply the same method of recording them in a mathematical model based on the statement that schemes of structurally similar machines are described by similar differential equations, but the parameters of equations depend on operating conditions.
In the conducted researches the process of analysis of constructive schemes of various machines was chosen as the object, and the subject of researches - methods which will allow to carry out the analysis of the car taking into account its constructive scheme. The task was to create a method of analysis of various structural schemes of machines and the use of the same type of mathematical models. A scientific novelty is the developed method of analysis of various structural schemes of machines and the use of the same type of mathematical models.
Another feature of the proposed technique is that the set of features of the created machine also contains subsets of processes and phenomena in which the machine is involved. This allows you to assess the compliance of the process in which the machine is involved, and the modes of operation of the machine. For more accurate machine reproduction of the technological process, taking into account subsets of processes and phenomena, you can combine several phenomena.
The methodology contains a section that describes the methods of creating new models of technology. Previously, such methods were described only phenomenologically (verbally). The use of predicates allowed to mathematize and organize the algorithms of these methods. This arrangement also makes it possible to classify them and determine the appropriateness of their use to solve certain design problems depending on their complexity.
Another feature of the proposed technique is the use of articulated disjunction, which allows in many qualitative features of the design object on the basis of the selected criterion to reshape these features for the design of new machine designs.
The application of the proposed technique is shown by the example of creating a rotary crushing machine with a crusher on an elastic base and a rigidly fixed rigid drive.
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