Research of fuel flow in air injection sprayer with the use of alcohol additives in emulated fuels
The article analyzes energy crops as sources of raw materials for the production of biofuels and mixtures thereof. The agricultural plants from which alcohol is produced as an additive to biodiesel fuel have been studied and classified. Cereal crops (wheat, barley, rye, oats) are the most promising raw materials for making alcohol additives in emulsified fuel. The analysis of bioethanol production technologies is carried out and the main technical advantages and disadvantages are identified. The article identifies that the production of bioethanol and other by-products is becoming increasingly popular with the use of deep grain processing. It has been found that the improvement of diesel performance on emulsified fuels is explained by the fact that the droplets of emulsified fuel formed after its injection into the combustion chamber (KZ) consist of particles of heavier fuel (in the case considered below - rapeseed oil). within which are particles of easily boiling fuel (ethanol). The dimensions of these particles typically range from one to several micrometers and are virtually independent of fuel spraying conditions. As a result, the use of emulsified fuels in diesels can reduce the smoke of VG, reduce emissions of nitrogen oxides, and reduce fuel consumption. It should be noted again that during the fuel in the flowing part of the nozzles of the nozzles, which is characterized by high speeds, high Reynolds numbers, there are some local hydraulic losses and discontinuous flows. Areas where reduced pressure, gas phase, and two-phase fuel flow may occur. In this regard, the calculation of such flows is also a rather complex hydrodynamic problem, which requires the use of specialized software complexes (PCs). In the computational studies, the simulation of a stationary flow of oil DP and emulsion of 70% RO and 30% ES in the flowing part of the atomizer with maximum lifting of the needle of the nozzle 0,32 mm.
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