Felling of zmishuvach of biodiesel firm that modeling the process of zmishuvan


  • Sergiy Burlaka Vinnytsia National Agrarian University




diesel sum_sheve burner, diesel system, diesel engine, dispenser, parameters


Analyzed zasosovuvanі in Denmark, the hour of construction zmіshuvachіv for the recognition of biopaliva. It is indicated that low efficiency and necessary obsolescence of the devices in the capacity of the outbuildings. The positive inlet of the Savonius rotor is shown to be positive for the process of the component component of the biowave. The circuit is laid and framed by the serpent. On the basis of the analysis carried out, a science hypothesis is formulated about those that can improve the efficiency of the machine-tractor aggregates, it is possible to use them in a complete way. Vihodyachi ztsogo, by the way of a robot і increased efficiency of the function of the machine and tractor units, which can be operated on by the side through the process of preparing it.

Indicated factors that contribute to the efficiency of the MTA function, it is shown that the type and warehouse of the sand to the effective function of the MTA. The factor zastuvanny zapovuvanny zaposuvannyu of alternative germs, osnuyuchі alternate gales. On the previous page, the vibrant base of the bulo is vibrano ripakov olіu. Shown ripple MERO. It has been established that the shorter indicators in the heat rating may be summed by MERO and diesel fuel.

The straightforward efficiency of the functionality of the machine-tractor units for the rachas of stagnant biodiversity has been scattered. I have built a structurally technologically advanced circuit for the adjustment of the biowave, which will increase the efficiency of the function of the machine-tractor aggregates. The theoretical deposits according to the design conditions and the parameters of the smallest annex for the preparation of biowaste, and the effectiveness of the function of the machine-tractor aggregates have been removed. The indicators of the technological process of preparing b_opaliva are cleared. The evaluation of the efficiency and functionality of diesel engine and machine-tractor aggregates was carried out in case of victorious biopaliv, which was taken away for the help of a different, fragmented winter annex. The rationalized rational component of the biofeedback was set for functional modes of diesel engine and machine-tractor aggregates.

Author Biography

Sergiy Burlaka, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University

assistant of Department of General Engineering and Occupational Health


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Abstract views: 299



How to Cite

S. Burlaka, “Felling of zmishuvach of biodiesel firm that modeling the process of zmishuvan”, ВМТ, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 11–17, Jul. 2020.






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