The influence of towing links on the handling of tractor self-propelled chassis


  • Mikhail Podrigalo Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University
  • Volodymyr Krasnokutskyi National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»



tractor self-propelled chassis, maneuverability, controllability, towing links, center of mass, traction force, normal response


An analysis of methods for calculating the distribution of normal reactions of the road between the axles of the tractor unit was carried out. It is shown that they are based on the misconception that traction forces and rolling resistance forces are applied in the spots of contact of the wheels with the road. The research shows that installing a towing link on a tractor self-propelled chassis through the rear suspension system at a level below the axis of the rear wheels (the diameter of which is larger in relation to the diameter of the front wheels) allows reducing the additional unloading of the front wheels. A more correct scheme of the tractor unit with the application of the traction force and the rolling resistance force on the wheel axles is calculated, which determines the increase in the total normal reaction on the front wheels of the tractor self-propelled chassis when working with the towing link. It is shown that an increase in the difference in the dynamic radii of the front and rear wheels, a decrease in the vertical coordinate of the center of mass of the tractor unit leads to an increase in the normal reaction of the road on the front wheels. Since the controllability of wheeled machines increases with the growth of the normal reaction on the front wheels, the presence of towing links with the attachment point located below the axis of the rear driving wheel increases the controllability of the tractor unit based on the self-propelled chassis. The problem of determining the total normal reaction of the road on the front wheels of a tractor self-propelled chassis with a trailing link in the case of application of the traction force and the force of movement resistance on the wheel axles has been solved. To increase the accuracy of finding the total normal reaction of the road on the front wheels of the tractor self-propelled chassis, which will allow to clarify the assessment of the controllability of the latter when moving with a towed link. Increasing the difference in the dynamic radii of the wheels and reducing the base of the tractor self-propelled chassis allows you to increase the value of the total normal reaction of the road on the wheels in relation to the horizontal reaction in the hinge of the axle of the trailer link. It was determined that the operation of the tractor self-propelled chassis with trailing links is characterized by a higher efficiency factor of its chassis compared to a universal tractor of class 0.6 and higher efforts under the condition that its front platform is loaded.

Author Biographies

Mikhail Podrigalo , Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University

Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology and Machine Repair

Volodymyr Krasnokutskyi , National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»

Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Automobile and Tractor Engineering


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Abstract views: 73



How to Cite

M. . Podrigalo and V. . Krasnokutskyi, “The influence of towing links on the handling of tractor self-propelled chassis”, ВМТ, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 109–114, Jul. 2024.






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