Formation and analysis of the information model of the subject area of monitoring the parameters of the tachograph and tracker in the system of technical condition of the vehicle
information system, tachograph, tracker, vehicle monitoringAbstract
To date, work is underway at KSMA, NTU, and KHAHU on the further development of information software systems for vehicle monitoring to study the possibility of remotely obtaining information on vehicle operating parameters under ITS conditions.
Known vehicle monitoring systems that were developed in KHAHU and NTU under the guidance of doctors of technical sciences Volkov V. P., Mateychik V. P. and Gritsuka I. V. allow identification of the vehicle, continuous automatic measurement of parameters characterizing the state of the vehicle, diagnosing, namely monitoring the health of the vehicle and its components, recognizing and preventing the development of failures in its operation and, ultimately, ensuring the functioning of the vehicle maintenance and repair system funds for technical condition. These systems are a complex set of onboard and stationary hardware and software. But for trouble-free operation of the vehicle, monitoring of these parameters is not enough.
The vehicle monitoring information system with the installed tachograph and tracker is based on the system proposed by
Y. Volkov, but the peculiarity of such a system is that, in addition to monitoring the vehicle’s parameters directly, it considers the features of remote control of driver’s work and rest modes, environmental indicators of the vehicle , speed violations, etc. in modern IPC in the process of determining the parameters of the technical condition of the vehicle.
The article presents the features of the implementation of the formation of the information model of the subject area for monitoring the parameters of the tachograph and tracker in the technical condition of the vehicle. An analytical description of the semantics of the system is formed using Boolean adjacency matrices that describe the relations between the components of the subject area. The main sets of relations (relationships) between the components within the information model of the subject area of the vehicle are determined.
As a result of the formation of a description of the subject area for monitoring the parameters of the tachograph and tracker in the vehicle’s technical condition system, information models are obtained that provide a stable unambiguous connection of system objects with information elements and with automation objects.
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