Formation of transport-logistic clusters in the transport sector of Ukraine


  • Svitlana Sharai National Transport University
  • Maksym Roi National Transport University
  • Daryna Dekhtiarenko National Transport University



cluster, transport-logistic cluster, clustering


Ukraine's economic policy is aimed at its integration into the European Union (EU), which requires the further development of all sectors of its economy. One of the main conditions for such integration is the development of the country's economy, increasing its competitiveness in the world market through the effective functioning of its main components, in particular, the transport sector. The transport complex is an important component in the process of economic growth of the country and its regions, therefore qualitative coordination and regulation of activity of all participants of the market of transport services is one of the most important tasks of the present. Clustering is one of the effective ways of organizing the cooperation of all participants of logistic chain of delivery of loads. It provides the competitiveness of transport-logistics products.The experience of European countries has shown that the introduction of clustering in the processes of forming, managing and optimizing cluster units contributes to the formation of a new strategy of cooperation of all the cluster structures, to increase the productivity of their functioning.

The process of formation of transport-logistic clusters (TLC) is complex, since the effectiveness of the functioning of the TLC is influenced by the interconnection and interaction of various sectors of the country's economy. The level and quality of the functioning of the TLC depends on the support of the power, on the level of perfection of the regulatory framework, on the continuous economic, innovative and professional development of all its his participants. The transport sector of Ukraine has a strong potential for the quality functioning of the TLC. Formation of transport-logistic clusters is an innovative and promising direction for improving the efficiency of the transport sector in Ukraine.

Conducted theoretical results can be used for further research of the preconditions for the formation of transport-logistic clusters in Ukraine and determination of the model of functioning of the TLC.

Author Biographies

Svitlana Sharai, National Transport University

Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Professor of the chair of international transportation and customs control

Maksym Roi, National Transport University

Post-graduate Student of the chair of international transportation and customs control

Daryna Dekhtiarenko, National Transport University

Assistant of the chair of management


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How to Cite

S. Sharai, M. Roi, and D. Dekhtiarenko, “Formation of transport-logistic clusters in the transport sector of Ukraine”, ВМТ, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 115–128, Jun. 2019.






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