rational dynamic characteristic, minimum use of engine’s power, acceleration dynamics, use of extra power, vehicle’s accelerationAbstract
The issue of choosing a rational speed of the vehicle on the condition of ensuring its high performance is considered in this article.
The object of research is the acceleration process of the vehicle.
The purpose of this work is to improve the acceleration dynamics of the vehicle by rational controlling of its speed.
The results of the conducted research are as follows: the rational dynamic characteristic of the vehicle is obtained (dependence of acceleration of the vehicle on speed), which allows acceleration at the minimum use of the engine's power; analytical expressions are obtained, which allow to determine the certain rational speed of the vehicle, which allows it to accelerate with the maximum rate at minimum use of engine’s power. The obtained dynamic characteristic allows controlling the process of vehicle’s acceleration by adjusting the acceleration rate, depending on the actual speed of the vehicle. This dynamic characteristic can be realized in the vehicles with a combined electromechanical drivetrain.
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