Formation of the conditions for the effective functioning of the transportation system of the road transport enterprise


  • Tetyana Volobuyeva Odesa State Academy of Construction and Architecture
  • Vyacheslav Syrota Odesa State Academy of Construction and Architecture
  • Serhiy Mastepan Kharkiv National Automobile and Road University
  • Mykola Mastepan Donbas National Academy of Construction and Architecture



: transport process, influencing factors, transport services, production processes, planning, technical means, traffic safety.


Road transport enterprises must constantly pay attention to increasing the efficiency of the production of quality transport services, in accordance with the requirements and expectations of consumers. During the production and provision of transport services, the flow of production processes in the transport system, problems often arise in the external and internal environment of the enterprise, which require a mandatory solution. The most common problems include the following: non-compliance of technical means with the requirements and expectations of service consumers in terms of the quality of passenger service, ensuring the necessary conditions for cargo transportation; significant negative impact of the transport process on the natural environment; not fully ensuring the safety of passenger transportation and ensuring the safety of traffic on the roads; imperfection of the system, methods, mechanism of planning and monitoring of transportation processes; imperfection of regulatory and legal regulation and control of the technical condition of vehicles in the organization of transportation; the level of driver training is not always sufficient.

When conducting research on the organization of transport processes and ensuring traffic safety on roads, the enterprise must use a methodical approach to evaluate the process of production of transport services, the functioning of the enterprise's production process, which must include three main stages: development of indicators and mechanisms for evaluating the flow of processes; assessment of the efficiency of the transportation process; analysis of assessment results and development of measures to improve service production processes. The main tasks of improving the processes of service production are the formation of the transport system of the enterprise, which includes: transport flows, personnel and technical support of transport, road environment in the transport zone. The transport system and all its constituent parts must be provided with means of monitoring and mechanisms of influence and improvement of the processes of production of transport services.

The process of improving the functioning of the enterprise's transport system should be conducted in three important directions: monitoring the transport process, studying and analysing the service market and taking into account the requirements and expectations of consumers, using calculation methods to determine negative impacts on the process and developing measures and mechanisms to prevent them.

Author Biographies

Tetyana Volobuyeva , Odesa State Academy of Construction and Architecture

Ph. D. (Eng.), associate professor, executive director department of mechanical engineering

Vyacheslav Syrota , Odesa State Academy of Construction and Architecture

Ph. D. (Eng.), associate professor, associate professor of the department of mechanical engineering

Serhiy Mastepan, Kharkiv National Automobile and Road University

Ph. D. (Eng.), associate professor, associate professor of the department of technical operation and service of cars

Mykola Mastepan , Donbas National Academy of Construction and Architecture

Ph. D. (Eng.), associate professor, head of the department of automobile transport


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Abstract views: 31



How to Cite

T. . Volobuyeva, V. Syrota, S. . Mastepan, and M. Mastepan, “Formation of the conditions for the effective functioning of the transportation system of the road transport enterprise ”, ВМТ, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 21–28, Jul. 2024.






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