Analysis of transport delays in the central part of the city and ways to reduce them
traffic flows, traffic flow composition, coordinated control, saturation flow, adjustable intersection, traffic delays, traffic light control cycleAbstract
The main task in ensuring the appropriate level of organization of traffic on the street and road network of cities is to minimize traffic delays, increase traffic safety, provide transport and pedestrian communication between the planning elements of the city. Problems caused by the deterioration of the street and road network significantly affect the work of the entire transport complex of the city. Significant traffic delays, congestion, characterized by increased travel time, deterioration of transport services, increased pollution of urban environment due to increased emissions and noise, increasing the number of road accidents indicate the inconsistency of the road network of cities to the modern level of motorization.
To ensure the required capacity of the elements of the road network, there is a need to create appropriate road conditions, namely the construction of new and reconstruction of existing engineering structures and elements of streets and roads. However, addressing these issues may not always improve the performance of the entire network, as, in parallel with technical measures based on the construction and reconstruction of transport infrastructure, the application of effective traffic management measures to manage traffic in urban areas should be addressed streets. When creating conditions for optimizing the operation of regulated intersections, it is necessary to take into account the technical condition of vehicles, road conditions and the condition of the road surface.
One of the main tasks of any traffic organization is to increase the capacity of intersections and reduce vehicle delays, ie the passage of traffic lights with minimal delay. To solve the problem of congestion of the street and road network of the city is to increase the efficiency and use of coordinated management of traffic and pedestrian flows, improving the operation of traffic lights. To implement the introduction of coordinated traffic light regulation, or the so-called green wave, it is necessary to establish the intensity and composition of traffic flows, the capacity of the elements of the road network and the modes of operation of traffic light facilities.
The paper considers the results of the study of the impact of coordinated traffic management in the central part of Rivne on reducing traffic delays when passing intersections by vehicles and proposed technical solutions to improve road safety by equipping intersections with additional technical means of traffic control.
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