A formalized representation of exponential models of the main indicators of reliability, the limitations of their use for the characteristics of engineering weapons
engineering weapons, exponential models, non-stationary availability factor, reliability indicatorsAbstract
The article deals with the solution of a scientific and applied problem to study the possibility of using existing exponential models to determine the reliability indicators of engineering weapons. Exponential models are widely used to assess the reliability of objects, mainly consisting of radio electronic elements, which led to their mass distribution in the aviation industry, air defense facilities, etc. Experimental operation of typical samples of military road-building equipment and experimental studies of the operating time of the main blocks and assemblies of engineering weapons show that the rate of failure and restoration of these products are functions of time. This state of affairs is associated with the design features of engineering weapons, which are characterized by the complex use of electrical, mechanical, hydraulic and other systems, while during use these systems can often experience significant overloads. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that today the engineering weapons that are in the units generally have a service life longer than that guaranteed by the manufacturer, which significantly affects the parameters of failure rates and recovery. The article shows the procedure for obtaining expressions for calculating the main indicators of the reliability of complex technical systems with an exponential distribution of operating time to failure and their recovery time and it is allowed to use them only for minimal periods of time (from several hours to several days, depending on the intensity of the use of machines) due to for the non-ergodic nature of the process of failures and restorations. In addition, the use of these models should be accompanied by an assessment of the adequacy of the results obtained to the real process with the adjustment of the duration of the corresponding time intervals.
Thus, the construction of mathematical models of the technical state of engineering equipment will be accompanied by a search for other conceptual approaches to determining the reliability indicators of engineering equipment and methods for calculating these indicators.
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